I talked to two main people at the capstone presentations. They were, Rachel Edwards and Kat McConnell. Rachel said that the week of capstones was a little hectic but for the most part she had her site done. If she could've changed something she would have polished her site design. This also goes for the question concerning what she would've done with more time. For advice, she told me to try and stay calm while doing capstone stuff, because you have more time than you think you do.
I think that this class has helped me to form an opinion on how to go about getting things done for my capstone and helping me find a time frame of how long it is going to take me to get them done. Breaking down the project was most definitely helpful because it helped me see all the steps needed in order to complete it. It also made me think more about it and make me take it more seriously. Advantages of the speakers was the fact of having someone that has gone through something that I am about to go through. But disadvantages was that most of them started on their capstones a lot earlier than what anyone in our class had. I think that the timeline project was the most helpful in this class. I don't think I would've completed this correctly without having this class. I honestly didn't find any assignments in this class to be useless. They all helped me wrap my mind around my capstone project and how it is all going to work.