1. The presentation that I reacted most strongly to was Sarah's. She talked about her fear of not being able to communicate with people because she is deaf. I believe it was also a fear of hers to sit in front of the class and talk about her experiences as a "handicapped" person.
2. The reason I responded so strongly to hers was because I felt the hurt and pain vibrations she was giving off about having to deal with something like that in life. I felt how sad she was and I wished that the human race was not so misunderstanding of people who are "different". I sat there and wondered why she had to go through that in life, but others didn't. I wondered how hard it would be to live in this world today, being deaf. She just really got me thinking about how we should treat everyone the same, and that it would really make a difference if we would step out of our comfort zones and make an effort to communicate with people who have trouble communicating like Sarah does. I also thought about how BIG of a person she was for sharing that with the class. God bless her. With the personality that I saw that girl give off in class, she will do nothing but go far in her life. What an amazing person.
3. This impacted the way I saw my project by making me think that I am ridiculous for having the fear that I do. It made me feel like there are so much worse things in life that could happen and that I should be worrying about bigger things.
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