Sunday, February 12, 2012

Book v2.0

What makes a book a book, is the writing within it. The story that is being told. The information that is being shared so that others may have better knowledge and more reference. If anything was possible for a book, I would envision them as pieces of writing on any material imaginable. Books could really be interesting to look at and read if they weren't all made with the same material and all written on the same piece of boring paper on every single page. I think it would be interesting to see an everyday book held together with something other than glue, and it's pages to be something other than paper. Maybe the writings would be on something visual that could help further explain the story or emotion that should be given off. Maybe what holds the book together goes along with the story and helps give you something to feel that emotion and connection with the book.
I made a mock-up of what I thought would be a cool book. The story would be about something on a beach or in the ocean and the shells that hold it together would be the source of power to help give off the feeling of the book and the emotions that are within it. Anytime you would want to have a better feeling of what is going on in the story, all you would have to do is hold open the book with your fingers on the shells and almost feel as though you were a character in the story, experiencing all the emotions that they were.

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